Saturday 15 June 2024

Just tricked into it Requested by bz

19-year-old Daniel came from a police family.

His father grandfather and grateful grandfather had all served with distinction in the police force.

When he entered the Police Academy he changed his last name not wanting anybody to give him favouritism just because his family were so respected in the force.

He just wanted to be a normal police officer serving his country and community.

It was immediately apparent to his training officer that this young recruit was police material.

His supervisor a corrupt officer with many fingers in many criminal organisations recognized who he was straight away.

At first, he thought he would be able to manipulate him to join their organizations and use his family connections to the hope is criminal endeavours.

But it was pretty clear he was honest loyal and believed in what he was doing.

His supervisor and the rest of the corrupt officers all knew they had to do something to get him on their side

But he refused to take a bribe or turn a blind eye to a crime.

He would not even cover for one of his fellow officers after he caught them stealing from the evident locker.

His supervisor and the rest of the corrupt officers decided there was only one way to deal with him and that was to get rid of him permanently.

At first, they were thinking about the Shallow Grave in the Wood for him.

But then one of their underground performance told him it was a scientist working on a brain pattern transfer or machine.

The only greed if this machine worked they could put somebody else in his body.

Somebody who would do what they said and use his family connection for their ends.

His sergeant informed him that he was going on a very important mission.

He was going undercover within the police force.

He was going to be investigating some of his officers and a network of corruption running through the police force and the local government.

The sergeant suggests that there may even be infiltrators within their own ranks. 

He emphasizes that the young officer, who is driven by a strong sense of justice, is the only one who can be trusted. 

The sergeant asks him to undertake an extremely challenging and covert undercover mission, which will not be documented or shared with anyone, including his family. 

The mission may require enduring humiliation, hardship, and heavy burdens. 

The young officer, filled with determination, declares that he fears nothing, not even humiliation. 

Upon arriving at an empty laboratory (taking advantage of the professor's absence), the young officer discovers that he is expected to swap bodies with an unconscious woman for the undercover operation.

In the laboratory, the sergeant explains that this woman is a famous prostitute.

Who is well known in the city's red-light district, known for her beauty and allure.

She has become a central figure in the corrupt network. 

By replacing her, the police can gradually gather evidence against the network's collusion between government officials and business figures. 

However, due to the high stakes involved, this is a deep infiltration mission. 

Apart from providing information to the supervisor, the young officer cannot contact anyone from his previous life to avoid blowing his cover.

The young officer had to assume every aspect of the woman's life, including interacting with influential individuals, and even sex skills.

He would have to learn how to be her so perfectly that not even her regular clients would not be able to tell he was not her.

He knew this mission was going to be had mentally and physically.

He knew he must hold on to his identity after her body no matter how much he hated it or loved it.

He knew no matter what he had to go through he had to get the information and bring these people to justice. 

The sergeant provides him with a comprehensive dossier on the woman's life, including social connections, managing techniques, and even detailed instructions on the skills and techniques used by prostitutes. 

The young officer studies these documents and videos in isolation, learning how to live as a woman and prostitute, especially adopting the woman's style in makeup, clothing, and conversation.

3 weeks after starting his studies it was the big day for him to step up.

It was the day for his mind to be put into her body and hers into his.

Despite all his preparation, he was not prepared for the mental shock of becoming a woman.

Their whole bodies and their whole mental makeup were completely different.

His eyesight was no longer tunnel Vision he could see more in the peripheral.

He knew how heavy and uncomfortable breaths were worth hanging off your chest.

He now knew what a wept vagina felt like between your legs.

The next week he was taught all about walking talking and acting female.

He was taught about sexy underwear short skirts crop tops and wearing makeup.

He was told how to walk down and even run in high heels.

He was taught the basics of female hygiene and Maintenance.

He was taught how to cope with his menstrual cycle and PMS.

He was shown how to with the aid of several large dildos how to be penetrated and how to suck a man off.

He saw he was tired and not sure he was ready to hit the streets but it was time to leave the classroom behind. 

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