Wednesday 10 April 2024

You bastard!

37-year-old Sandra believed everything that had gone wrong in her life was because of her gender.

She believed her life would have been better easier and more successful if she had been a man.

One night whilst drunk on cheap sparkling wine she saw a shooting star and made a wish.

She was she had got the Promotion instead of Alan.

Who had only gotten it in her opinion because he was a man.

The next morning she awoke to a whole new reality.

A reality where she was a healthy fit and handsome young man.

Where she was the head of her department and in charge of so many people.

Where she had money in the bank a fast car and no debts.

Where she had hundreds of women hanging off her arm and begging to take her to bed.

She did not know it at the time but her wish had affected somebody else.

She had no idea that Allan who had gotten the promotion and hadn't really been in the bank women hanging off his arm begging him for sex had a walk to find himself in the body of a young woman.

A young woman in a rundown apartment with debts up to her eyeballs and working as a secretary in the company he used to be a manager in.

He had no idea why it happened to him.

he had no idea why nobody knew what he was talking about when he tried to explain to them who he used to be.

It was only when he had no choice but to get dressed and go off to work as a woman and a secretary he went to the only person who would listen to him.

The head of his department was a rugged handsome young man named Simon.

Who just like him was out of place and did not understand how to be who they were now.

Simon explained to him who he used to be.

He explained his wish and how he had woken up three days ago as a man. 

Allen now Andrea begged her to make another wish.

She begged her to undo what she had done.

She begged her to give him back his life his body and his gender.

But she loved being the big strong man and watching the young delicate woman big and cry.

She found it made her hard and horny.

She knew it was wrong of her but she knew she was going to have some fun with this.

She told him to stop crying.

She told him to come on with his work and she would see what she could.

She pretended for the next three days to do research into what happened to them.

She decided to convince him the only way that they could change their lives back whilst by letting her her sex with him. 

He was not happy at the idea of dropping his knickers and spreading his legs.

But she was very convincing.

She took his video and he over her office desk during the lunch break.

He enjoyed it more than he thought he would which made him depressed and sad especially when she told him she had lied to him just to get into his knickers.

She told him he would have to get used to men treating him like this.

She told him it was not easy being a woman in a man's world.

She told him as he slipped his knickers back on keep up the good work and one day you might make it to head secretary.

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