Monday 25 September 2023

Whole thing about requested by George Wyatt.

17-year-old Allen was not confident.

He shied away from confrontation and talking to girls.

He had a massive crush on his next door neighbor 22-year-old  Melanie.

He's so desperately wanted to talk to her.

He's so desperately wanted to ask her out.

But he was too frightened of rejection.

Things go to the point where he was following her everywhere she went.

He knew her routine perfectly.

One day he sort out of it for a very rare and strange item.

It was one of the outlawed Ravens that would allow you to  project your mind into somebody else's body.

He was determined he was going to take over her body and her life.

She followed her to the stable and pointed the gun at her.

Just as he fired she moved and he hit her prize winning mare.

He was now trapped inside the body of a horse and did not know how to get help to hit.

Just when he thought things could not get any worse  she whispered into the horses ear.

I hope you're ready the prize winning stallions coming today and I hope  he gets you pregnant.