Wednesday 10 April 2024

You bastard!

37-year-old Sandra believed everything that had gone wrong in her life was because of her gender.

She believed her life would have been better easier and more successful if she had been a man.

One night whilst drunk on cheap sparkling wine she saw a shooting star and made a wish.

She was she had got the Promotion instead of Alan.

Who had only gotten it in her opinion because he was a man.

The next morning she awoke to a whole new reality.

A reality where she was a healthy fit and handsome young man.

Where she was the head of her department and in charge of so many people.

Where she had money in the bank a fast car and no debts.

Where she had hundreds of women hanging off her arm and begging to take her to bed.

She did not know it at the time but her wish had affected somebody else.

She had no idea that Allan who had gotten the promotion and hadn't really been in the bank women hanging off his arm begging him for sex had a walk to find himself in the body of a young woman.

A young woman in a rundown apartment with debts up to her eyeballs and working as a secretary in the company he used to be a manager in.

He had no idea why it happened to him.

he had no idea why nobody knew what he was talking about when he tried to explain to them who he used to be.

It was only when he had no choice but to get dressed and go off to work as a woman and a secretary he went to the only person who would listen to him.

The head of his department was a rugged handsome young man named Simon.

Who just like him was out of place and did not understand how to be who they were now.

Simon explained to him who he used to be.

He explained his wish and how he had woken up three days ago as a man. 

Allen now Andrea begged her to make another wish.

She begged her to undo what she had done.

She begged her to give him back his life his body and his gender.

But she loved being the big strong man and watching the young delicate woman big and cry.

She found it made her hard and horny.

She knew it was wrong of her but she knew she was going to have some fun with this.

She told him to stop crying.

She told him to come on with his work and she would see what she could.

She pretended for the next three days to do research into what happened to them.

She decided to convince him the only way that they could change their lives back whilst by letting her her sex with him. 

He was not happy at the idea of dropping his knickers and spreading his legs.

But she was very convincing.

She took his video and he over her office desk during the lunch break.

He enjoyed it more than he thought he would which made him depressed and sad especially when she told him she had lied to him just to get into his knickers.

She told him he would have to get used to men treating him like this.

She told him it was not easy being a woman in a man's world.

She told him as he slipped his knickers back on keep up the good work and one day you might make it to head secretary.

Sunday 7 April 2024

A change of places.

Jason and Andrea's relationship was on the rocks.

They had just had their first child and everything was going wrong.

He was stressed at work and she felt alone at home with the baby.

They argued all the time and were completely unhappy with each other.

The only thing that stopped them from breaking up was their baby.

They did not know how long things would last the way they were.

They both unknowingly wish that night to understand each other's lives.

Then in the middle of the night, Andrea got up when the baby started crying to feed her. 

Andrea picked up her baby without thinking and opened her shirt but she did not have her breasts.

She caught her reflection in the mirror in the nursery and let out an anguished moan of surprise she was now in Jason's body.

Jason felt an uncomfortable heaviness on his chest and awoke to find in Andrea's body.

Still, in a state of shock, he looked up into his face and said what the hell is going on in Andria's sweet voice.

The crying of their baby made the breast swell and ache and milk started dripping out of his nipples.

She looked at him and told him he was the one with the milk now so he had to feed the baby.

He sat down opened his blouse and let one of her heavy breaths out.

He could not believe how big her nipple was.

She showed him how to hold the baby correctly and how to make it latch on.

He felt so out of place and a little uncomfortable the first time.

She watched with tears in her eyes as her boyfriend fed their baby.

Over the next couple of days, she showed him how to be a mother.

She helped him care of the baby and happiness.

She helped him look after her own body.

When Monday morning came around she had to return to his job whilst he stayed at home with the baby.

She phoned every couple of hours to make sure both of them were okay.

He was exhausted from the night-time feedings but he was enjoying his time at home with the baby.

They both hoped in the next few weeks that they would swap back.

But whatever had caused them to swap bodies did not happen again.

Andrea after a little mental breakdown got used to being the man of the house and a father.

She looked at how confident and wonderful Jason was with the baby.

She looked at how nurturing and natural he was.

She thought to herself as she watched him breastfeeding whatever had done this thank you saved our family.

Monday 29 January 2024

Trapped as one's own mother.

Single mother Sally and her 16-year-old son Alan could not see eye to eye.

He could not understand why he had to clean his room.

He could not understand why he had to do his laundry.

He could not understand why he had to cook his tea occasionally.

He fought his mother should do everything for him.

He could not understand why his mother could not do her job and look after him and the house at the same time.

He fought she was just making a bigger deal out of it than needed to be.

But this morning things took a strange twist.

Alan awoke in his mother's body.

Panic-stricken and frightened he ran into his own and awoke his own body.

He was hoping his mother was inside.

She opened her eyes and smiled when she saw her face palette stricken looking down at her.

She said I did not believe it would work but it has.

Alan looked at her and said I take it this was your doing.

She just smiled and said I am going to give you a piece of your own medicine.

Unto you understand how hard it is to work a job look after a house and deal with a spoiled brat like you you will be stuck in my middle female body.

Now if I remember rightly you don't get up for another hour and you expect breakfast on the table.

So I am going back to sleep you go downstairs to call me breakfast.

Alan started to complain and she just looked at him and said the more you complained the longer you stayed.

Alan had no choice but to go downstairs in his mother's body feeling dreadful and cook breakfast.

He burnt the Toast overcooked the eggs and the coffee brood was almost undrinkable.

His mother came downstairs in his body dressed and complained about the state of breakfast.

She looked at her son in his body and told him you better go upstairs shower and get dressed you've got work in an hour.

He went reading the face and told her you're telling me I've got to wash my own mother's body I've got a see my own mother naked.

She just looked at him and said my body is not that repulsive.

He stumped upstairs to get himself showered.

He shouted down 20 minutes later for his mother's help to get dressed.

She came upstairs and told him she was only going to help him once so he better pay attention.

She pulled out her work uniform a pair of knickers and a bra.

She helped him into the bra and made him put the knickers on the right way round.

He stepped into her work uniform and he buttoned it up.

He felt ridiculous in it.

She explained that the bus would drop him off at the supermarket where she worked.

She gave him a list of groceries he would have to buy and bring home with him.

A few told him after work there was a pile of laundry waiting and all the beds needed changing.

He looked at her and said what are you going to do whilst you're in my body?

She just looked at him and said I'm going to sit around the house playing video games and making a mess for you to clean up.

She picked up her hand back removed her credit card and handed it to him.

He went off to work in her body feeling ridiculous in the uniform he was wearing.

He did not like the way it punished looking front when the wind hit or the way tried to lift and flush his knickers.

The bus was 10 minutes late and he practically had a run from the stop to the shop to make sure he was there on time.

His first job of today was to stack shelves boring and repetitive work.

His second job of the day was to serve on one of the tills.

He sat there scanning people's items with a smile on his face not wanting to get his mother fired.

After the five-hour shift was up he did her shopping queued up for 10 minutes paid and headed out to wait for the bus.

As he was still there it started to rain and there was no shelter.

By the time he got home, he was ripping wet cold and pissed off.

He was annoyed to see the breakfast dishes were still on the side and not a single finger around the health I'd been doing.

He thought back to all the time she had asked for help and he had refused.

He now knew how she felt will he did this to her after a long day at work.

He knew there was no point moaning or crying over it.

He put the shopping away and went and did the laundry following the instructions she had left for him on the machine.

He went upstairs and changed the beds before cleaning the bathroom with heading downstairs to make dinner.

Thankfully she had left a recipe out for him and all he had to do was follow it.

Dinner turned out a lot better than breakfast.

He shouted for his brother to come downstairs for dinner.

She came downstairs looking half asleep and said I don't know how you managed to do nothing more day it's boring and exhausting.

He just looked at her and said I think I now understand how hard your life is can we swap back?

She just said I think and of the week or so in my body living my life then I will consider us what.

She sat down and started eating the meal he had prepared looked at him and said it was almost as good as mine.

Between thoughtful of the food she said tomorrow you will be completely on your own I will not be helping you with anything.

You will have to get yourself up prepare breakfast get ready for work and do the job from the house before preparing tea.

He looked at her with tears in his eyes and said I take it you will be set around here doing nothing.

Just looked at him and said to better understand each of what we have to live each of our lives I don't enjoy being you and you don't enjoy being me.

If only he had known that his mother was enjoying being him.

If only he knew that she was planning to disappear with his body and start a new life somewhere else he might not have been obedient.

But he did not know so he was going to do his best to convince her that he understood her life and how hard she had it.

Monday 25 December 2023

They are out there.

35-year-old Scott was out camping.

Something he liked to do on the weekends after work.

It helped clear the mind and reset the body.

The second night out in the woods he was sitting by his campfire drinking a beer and looking about the stars.

Then they break the beam of light invalid him and he felt himself grown weightless.

What happened next was like a dream state to him.

They were these funny-looking little Green Man pudding and poking him with all sorts of weird instruments.

They seem to be doing some sort of experiments on him.

Something was sprayed in his face and that was the last thing he remembered before waking up lying the next morning next to the campfire.

He could immediately tell something was wrong.

He felt completely different.

He felt smaller and more delicate.

He felt cold and uncomfortable.

As he stood up saying to himself something didn't agree with me yesterday he felt a strange movement on his chest.

His pants and underpants which were now too big for him slid down to the ground.

He put his hands up to his chest and felt two extremely beautiful lumps of flesh hanging there.

Quickly put one hand between his legs and discovered something was missing.

He looked down his vision being blocked by long blonde hair.

After swiping it out of the way he noticed two lumps sticking out of his shirt and two shapely legs instead of his usual masculine hairy ones.

He grabbed his shaving mirror from his backpack and frightenedly held it up to his face.

The faith that stared back at him was not his own.

It was the face of a beautiful young woman staring back at him.

Somehow he had been transformed into a beautiful woman overnight.

Panic-stricken and frightened he did not know what to do.

He sat back down on his ground and started to weep.

He was overwhelmed by his new highly emotional state.

He wondered if it was a dream or if it had happened to him.

He felt frightened vulnerable and alone out here.

Everything looks so big and intimidating around him.

Images of being attacked or raped by mountain men entered his head.

The wilderness was not a safe place for a woman who did not even have clothes that fit her.

He knew he had to get off the mountain and down to his car.

In just his t-shirt and jacket he packed up all his camping equipment and headed off the mountain.

His feet hurt and his body ate.

This new body was not used to the rough terrain of the mountains.

It took him six hours to get to his car.

Exhausted and with painful feet he got into his car and closed the door.

For the first time that day, he felt safe and secure.

He had adjusted his car seat so his feet and hands were in the right position for driving as he was a lot shorter than he used to be now.

He drove to the nearest hospital where he tried to get them to understand who he was and what had happened to him.

Of course, they thought he was under something.

They sectioned him under the Mental Health Act until his or her identity could be attained.

The doctors and nurses were surprised when the police came back with positive fingerprints.

According to the police records the woman in there was a 35-year-old man named Scott.

He was now the first positive proof that aliens were out there and they were experimenting on us.

Sunday 24 December 2023

I just woke up like this.

My life as a woman and a prostitute was not one of my own choosing.

One morning I just woke up as a woman.

Vagina tits and gorgeous body.

To say I was bewildered and terrified would be an understatement.

I phoned 911 and got through to the emergency services.

I tried my best to explain to them what had happened to me.

They must have thought I was off my head or just crazy.

Four police officers and two paramedics turned up at my apartment.
As far as they were concerned I was a hysterical woman claiming to be a man.

I was sectioned under the Mental Health Act and locked away for my own safety.

I gave my name my date of birth my address my parent's name and any other personal details they wanted.

They took my fingerprints before taking a hell of a lot of blood and running screens on me.

My fingerprint despite my fingers being a lot smaller than they were before matched my details.

The drug and alcohol stream came back negative.

I was not high on any sort of substance.

They made me go through a lot of tests.

Every inch of my body was scanned.

It came back that I was 100% female.

The most unpleasant thing I had to go through was a Vaginal exam.

As far as they could tell I was a virginal woman.

Having a speculum pushed inside of you and jacking your opening even wider was not fun.

After that, I became some sort of medical oddity.

Doctors worldwide came to see me examine me and ask me questions.

I was taught the fundamental basics of being a woman and how to look after my body.

I had gone through many weeks of counselling and therapy to help me.

Being a woman was more than just having a female body.

The way I saw the world in people had changed.

I no longer look at women in a sexual way.

I found my sexuality changed to one that matched my new gender.

I found myself getting extremely horny before and after my periods.

I can honestly tell you bloating cramps bleeding and moodiness were not something anybody should have to go through every month for six to seven days.

Now 2 years after my initial awakening as a woman the hospital deemed I was fit to rejoin society and start a new life.

At first, it was a terrifying experience being a woman alone in the world.

Before I was a strong healthy man able to defend and look after myself.

Now I was a young beautiful delicate woman with little to no strength and terrified of being raped.

For the first few months, I did not leave my apartment after dark.

I did not really speak to anybody apart from my therapists who came to see me.

I found myself in a constant state of anxiety and nervousness. 

My friends and family who had stopped by me once I had been in the hospital did their best to help me integrate into the outside world. 

My sister was always trying to encourage me to go out and explore my new sexuality. 

I told her I was happy with a vibrator. 

Then it no longer satisfied me. 

My vagina wanted the real thing. 

No matter how much I tried I could not get myself to orgasm by myself. 

I reluctantly dressed up and went out with my sister and my mother to a local bar. 

I did not intend to cop off with the first man I saw. 

But after just several cocktails men were starting to look really good to me. 

I felt like there was a waterfall between my legs. 

One man walked over and started chatting to me he asked if he could buy me a drink. 

I knew he was only interested in my pussy as a former man myself I had seen that look on my face many times. 

My sister and mother encouraged me to talk to him. 

By the end of the night, I was bringing him home with me. 

We could barely keep our hands off each other in the taxi. 

I was practically out of my knickers in the lift up to my apartment.

We were both practically naked by the time the front door shook behind us. 

I had been told the fundamental ins and outs of sex as a woman. 

As a former man, I knew what he expected from a woman and I was only too happy to fulfil that role between the sheets. 

Not even sucking his big hard throbbing hot cock put me off. 

I had never done it before but knew it was something I enjoyed.

Just as I thought he could not hold it anymore he slipped his cock out of my mouth.

He pushed me down onto the bed spreading my legs before slipping it into my wet pussy which made me gasp would delight and surprise.

Once over the initial shot and the pain of it, it was the most pleasurable and satisfying thing I'd ever felt.

I let him twist and shake my gorgeous body any way he wanted.

Hour bodies became one and we were in a happy sexual rhythm moaning and squealing together. 

Reaching the point of climax he exploded deep inside of me.

His throbbing cock vibrated deep inside my pussy as it emptied his hot warm seed into me. 

He slid out leaving a trail of hot semen all down my inner thigh. 

I lay there in my own wet spots staring up at the ceiling next to him feeling like my entire body was vibrating as it was hit by aftershock of agamic pleasure. 

He was just the first in the long line of many lovers. 

Sex became a drug to me a drug I needed every single day. 

Before I knew it it had become my whole entire life. 

Before I knew what I was doing I was making my living out of my body and my pussy to my friends family and doctors' surprise and horror. 

Monday 25 September 2023

Whole thing about requested by George Wyatt.

17-year-old Allen was not confident.

He shied away from confrontation and talking to girls.

He had a massive crush on his next door neighbor 22-year-old  Melanie.

He's so desperately wanted to talk to her.

He's so desperately wanted to ask her out.

But he was too frightened of rejection.

Things go to the point where he was following her everywhere she went.

He knew her routine perfectly.

One day he sort out of it for a very rare and strange item.

It was one of the outlawed Ravens that would allow you to  project your mind into somebody else's body.

He was determined he was going to take over her body and her life.

She followed her to the stable and pointed the gun at her.

Just as he fired she moved and he hit her prize winning mare.

He was now trapped inside the body of a horse and did not know how to get help to hit.

Just when he thought things could not get any worse  she whispered into the horses ear.

I hope you're ready the prize winning stallions coming today and I hope  he gets you pregnant.

Sunday 13 August 2023

What's going on Part 5 requested by BZ

What's going on Part 4 requested by BZ

He said good morning Melanie as he threw the diary at her.

Sarah walked in and sore the diary sitting on the table.

Anthony told her that Melanie had found out how to control the swap and how to keep him in her body.

Melanie just looked up and said I was only a prostitute because my body loves sex so much.

Living in your life made me want a family.

So when I discovered how to control the swap as long as I liked I decided to take your life your wife and your body.

Anthony demanded that Melanie swap them back now.

Melanie just looked at him and said NO!

I like being a man!

I like being in charge!

I am never going back to that life.

You're just going to have to get used to being me.

Anthony looked at his wife Sarah and said what are we going to do?

Sarah a little bit red face said I don't know.

If Melanie is not going to give you your body or your life back you are just going to have to get used to it.

I will help you were I can.

I will give you an allowance.

I will help you with hair and make-up.

I will help you with your clothing choice.

I am pretty sure we can find a sex therapist out there who can help you control your libido so you don't have to sell yourself.

Sarah and Melanie shared a look that if Anthony had seen it would have explained why Sarah would not make Melanie swap them back.

Sarah preferred Melanie as her husband and if Anthony was honest with himself he preferred being Melanie.

Anthony had no choice but to go back to Melanie small apartment. He had no choice but to continue doing the job he had grown to love. Over the weeks and following months he stop thinking about his old life. He stopped thinking about his wife and Melanie in his body living a happy and comfortable life. Even though his new now a prostitute it did not mean he did not have his old male brain. He started investing the money he was making. He always knew which companies to put his money into thanks to the Bankers he was servicing on a weekly basis. Despite now being very wealthy and not having to sell himself to survive he could not give up the prostitution game.